VRAY Instrument Limited präsentiert auf der Dubai EXPO einen fortschrittlichen RFA-Goldanalysator

VRAY Instrument Limited proudly unveiled its latest innovation, the XRF Gold Analyzer, at the Dubai International Jewellery Machinery & Allied Products EXPO. Held from June 8th to 10th at the Millennium Airport Hotel, the event brought together top industry professionals and technology leaders.

Dubai International Jewellery

The XRF Gold Analyzer was the highlight of VRAY’s exhibition. This cutting-edge device uses X-ray fluorescence (RFA) technology to provide accurate, non-destructive analysis of gold purity and composition. It offers rapid, reliable results, making it a crucial tool for jewellers, manufacturers, and gold traders.

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

Attendees at VRAY’s booth experienced live demonstrations of the XRF Gold Analyzer, showcasing its precision and ease of integration into various operations. The VRAY team engaged with visitors, discussing the benefits of XRF technology in enhancing gold analysis.

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

The VRAY XRF Gold Analyzer stood out for its compact size and intuitive operation. Designed with ease of use in mind, this portable device allows jewellers and precious metals traders to perform accurate gold analysis on the go. Its small footprint and lightweight design make it perfect for both in-store and field applications, providing unparalleled convenience without compromising on precision.

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

VRAY xrf gold analyzer exhibition

As we look ahead, VRAY Instrument Limited remains committed to advancing our product offerings and supporting the jewellery industry’s quest for precision and efficiency.

For more information about our XRF Gold Analyzer and other products, please visit our website or contact us directly.
