If you have questions about our products, Fill out the form below and we will answer any questions you have. Tips: Fields marked with*are required. 벤치 탑 귀금속 분석기 XRF 분석기 요소 분석기 X 선 형광 분광계 VR-T5 지능적인 작동, precious metal analysis Fast, precise and non-destructive precious metals testing Testing elements: K (19) - U (92) Active radiation protection Machine size:330 x580 x 360mmSample chamber size:320 x 480 x 130mmweight:40kgDetector:Si-Pin detectorPower supply:교류 100~220V±5V 50Hz(구성은 지역에 따라 약간씩 다릅니다)여기 소스 타겟:W (Tungsten)targetRated power:100WTemperature:10℃-35℃Humidity:40%-70% 상대 습도, 비응축 *Subject: *사용자 이름: *E-mail (이메일): *Content: 전송 Δ