If you have questions about our products, Fill out the form below and we will answer any questions you have. Tips: Fields marked with*are required. Analisador portátil de XRF liga de espectrômetro de fluorescência de raios X,Testador de solos e minérios VR-S9 Pequeno, light and easy to carry Rapid and accurate elemental analysis results with little or no sample preparation at all stages of a mining operation Active radiation protection Package size: 500 x 400 x 200mmMachine size:244 x 90 x 330mmExcitation source:Até 50KV/200μA, alvo de prata endwindow integrado tubo de raios X em miniatura e fonte de alimentação de alta tensão … *Subject: *Seu nome: *E-mail: *Content: Enviar Δ