The VR-T7 provides rapid and reliable analysis, delivering accurate results in a matter of seconds. 2024-07-29 Videos 2031 Views Share: FacebookLinkedInWhatsAppWeChat QR CodeScan the QR Code to share on WeChatWeChatE-Mail Prev: Meet the Portable XRF Gold Tester VR-M5. A tool designed to streamline your gold analysis process. Next: Handheld XRF analyzer VR-H5 for precious metal testing, only weight 1.6kg Related V-Ray Handheld Precious Metals Analyzer Operation Demonstration Meet the Portable XRF Gold Tester VR-M5. A tool designed to streamline your gold analysis process. Handheld XRF analyzer VR-H5 for precious metal testing, only weight 1.6kg The benchtop XRF analyzer VR-T5 Operation Vedio XRF Analyzer VR-N3 Precious Metal Testing Operation